Scott Casto
Scott is a partner and co-founder of Pondera and is responsible for evaluating potential investment opportunities and managing portfolio companies at a board level. He has over thirty years of experience investing, trading derivatives, managing risk, and adhering to compliance and regulatory guidelines, including over a decade of experience outside the United States. Scott began his career as an options trader for Chicago Research and Trading in 1987. He co-founded CMT Trading Group with Jan-Dirk Lueders in 1997. CMT began as a proprietary trading firm but has evolved into an asset manager with portfolio investments spanning public and private equity, debt, real estate, technology, and digital currency. Scott received a B.A. in Economics from Wheaton College in 1987 and an M.B.A. with a specialization in finance from the University of Chicago in 1991. Scott currently serves on the boards of Blue Book Services, Creative Memories, CandyCo, Wag'n Tails Mobile Conversions, and CMT Trading Group.